Worcester Musical Events – Gloucestershire Organists’ Association
The Coming Programme in Outline
The programme is lia ble to change, but maximum notice will always be given. Please see interim ‘News from WOA’ emails, events posting s on our Facebook Page, and the Programme page of www.worcestershireorganists.org
Feb 10th WOA/RCO class: ‘An Appropriate Style’ 2.30pm Ledbury Parish Church
Feb 12th BOA/WOA event: ‘Plainsong’ with Rosemary Field 7pm St Hilda’s, Warley Wood
Mar 2nd Trip to London: Playing visits & recitals to 5th Incorporating the IAO Organ Day
Mar 24th Observing Cathedral choir practice 4.30pm Worcester Cathedral (with RSCM Worcester)
Mar 24th Members’ private playing opportunities 6.30pm Worcester Cathedral
April 11th WOA/BOA workshop: ‘The Renaissance’ 7pm St Swithun’s, Worcester
April 19th WOA/RCO class: ‘Practice to Performance’ 6.30pm Worcester Cathedral
April 28th Playing visit to Winchester all day Winchester Cathedral & other venues
May 7th Playing for Open Day 2pm Little Malvern Priory
May 19th Lecture-Recital: ‘Bach & his C19th Disciples’ pm tba Twyning Church
June 7th Trip to Holland: playing visits and more to 13th Famous locations, historic organs (with HOS)
July 7th Joint WOA/HOS Members’ Recital pm tba Ledbury Parish Church
Aug 18th Playing visit to the Bromsgrove area times tba St Cassian, St John, All Saints
Sept 15th WOA Cathedral Evensong & President’s Dinner 5.30pm Worcester Cathedral
Sept 22nd Demonstration & Masterclass: ‘Improvisation’ 2.30pm St Andrew’s, Worcester
Oct 6th WOA hosting Midlands Organ Day all day Worcester Cathedral & other venues in the city
Oct tba Charity Organathon time tba St Martin’s, London Road, Worcester
Nov 20th The WOA ‘Members’ Requests’ Recital 6.45pm Worcester Cathedral
Nov tba BOA/WOA workshop: ‘The Baroque’ 7pm Venue tba by BOA
Dec 1st Chairman’s Lunch with much music-making 12.30pm Malvern Wells
Plus further workshops , a c c o r d i n g t o d e m a n d , and additional playing opportunities …
An Outline of Selected Recitals Coming Soon
Please see our Facebook Page or the WOA website (click ‘Recitals’ on the menu) for the full list , w h ich is detailed and regularly updated : www.worcestershireorganists.org
Feb 6th Alexander Ffinch 1.15pm Cheltenham College Chapel
Feb 6th Henry Fairs & Daniel Moult 5.15pm Bramall Hall, Birmingham University
Feb 10th Richard Jeffcoat 2.30pm St Peter’s, Cradley
Feb 12th Thomas Trotter 1pm Birmingham Town Hall
Feb 15th Alex Mason 12.15pm Worcester Cathedral
Feb 17th David Chandler 12noon Malvern Priory
Feb 17th Darius Battiwalla 12noon Victoria Hall, Hanley
Feb 26th Thomas Trotter 1pm Birmingham Town Hall
Feb 27th Organ Scholars of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire 5.15pm Bramall Hall, Birmingham University Feb 28th Nicholas Johnson 1.10pm St Alphege, Solihull
Mar 1st Simon Hogan 12.15pm Worcester Cathedral
Mar 1st David Saint 1.15pm St Chad’s Cathedral
Mar 2nd Will Peart 1pm Emmanuel, Wylde Green
Mar 4th Paul Carr 3pm Holy Trinity, Wordsley
You can also join us on Facebook: please support Music in Worcester Churches by ‘liking’ that page (www.facebook.com/MusicInWorcesterChurches).