Visit to St Peter’s Church, Leckhampton including a short recital from Simon Gibson. Simon was hoping to show us the organ at the Annual General Meeting but, because this was on line, it was not possible. After the short recital, members will be very welcome to...
Visit to St Gregory’s Church, Cheltenham to visit their recently acquired Willis Organ.
Bairstow Anniversary Talk and Recital by Carleton Etherington, Tewkesbury Abbey. Followed by social time at The Bell Hotel.
Visit to Nicholson Organ Builders, Malvern, specifically to see progress on the Gloucester Cathedral organ.
AGM at St Matthew’s Church, Cheltenham AGM at 3pm, preceded at 2.30pm by a short recital by St Matthew’s DoM and GOA Chairman Elect Michael Barrett.
10.30-12.30 Visit to St Michael’s Church, Tenbury Wells Visit to St Laurence’s Church, Ludlow time...
Saturday 26th April 2pm Play the Organ, at St Andrew’s Church, Cheltenham. This is part of the RCO’s Play the Organ Year 2025.
Gloucestershire Organists’ Association Affiliated to the Incorporated Association of Organists (IAO) DATA PROTECTION NOTICE 1. Your personal data – what is it? Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data....
Joint event with WOA in Tewkesbury Abbey to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Bairstow:An illustrated talk and recital given by Carleton Etherington.