10 a.m. -11.30 a.m.     Christ Church Cathedral


Christ Church Cathedral organ was built in 1979 by Rieger Orgelbau  Austria



The upper part of the main case, above the impost, is from
the 1680s Bernard Smith organ, and houses the Grand Orgue.
The new lower part, with carved screens by Lilly von Muntlix,
houses the Swell. The Positif case was originlly designed
as a Choir organ case by Gilbert Scott in the 19th century.
This replaced earlier instrument – see N11006

Department and Stop list

Pédale Key action Tr  Stop action Me & El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys
1 Montre 16
2 Soubasse 16 not on CD list
3 Flûte de Pédale 8
4 Bourdon 8
5 Basse de Chorale 4
6 Fourniture V 2
7 Basson 16
8 Trompette 8
9 Clairon 4
Positif Key action Tr  Stop action Me & El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys
10 Montre 8 façade
11 Bourdon 8 oak
12 Prestant 4
13 Flûte à Fuseau 4
14 Cor de Chamois 2 CD Doublette
15 Larigot 1 1/3
16 Sesquialtera II
17 Cymbale IV 1
18 Cromorne 8
19 Tremblant
Grand Org Key action Tr  Stop action Me & El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys
20 Bourdon 16
21 Montre 8 façade
22 Flûte à Cheminee 8
23 Prestant 4
24 Flûte Conique 4
25 Doublette 2
26 Cornet V 8, from c1
27 Fourniture VI 1 1/3
28 Cymbale I 2/3
29 Trompette 8
30 Clairon 4
Swell Key action Tr  Stop action Me & El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys
31 Salicional 8
32 Voix Céleste 8 F
33 Flûte Bouchée 8
34 Octave 4
35 Flûte 4
36 Nazard 2 2/3
37 Quarte de Nazard 2
38 Tierce 1 3/5
39 Plein Jeu 2
40 Cor Anglais 16 not on CD list
41 Voix Humaine 8 not on CD list
42 Tremblant
Bombarde Key action Tr  Stop action Me & El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys
43 Bombarde 16
44 Trompette 8
45 Clairon 4



Stop type  Drawstops   Pedalboard  concave radiating



Swell to Positif

Swell to Grand Orgue

Bombarde to Grand Orgue

Positif to Grand Orgue

Grand Orgue to Pédale

Positif to Pédale

Swell to Pédale


4 combinations to each manual
6 general pistons
Pistons for Tutti, Cancel


Noon – Lunch

2 p.m,.- 4 p.m.Visit to the Organ in the Chapel of Balliol College.

Balliol Dining Hall. Edward Heath. Former Organ Scholar.


1886           Willis

1937           Harrison & Harrison

rebuilt (BBE says new)

1992           Harrison & Harrison

restored without tonal alteration


Walter Tapper
Position  West gallery  Type  Architectural

American walnut; E front of 5-7-7-5-7-7-5 painted diapasons.


Department and Stop list

Pedal Key action EP  Stop action   Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys
1 Open Wood 16
2 Sub Bass 16 A
3 Flute 8 A
Choir Key action EP  Stop action   Compass-low C  Compass-high a3  Keys 58 Enclosed
4 Hohl Flute 8
5 Viol d’Orchestre 8
6 Wald Flute 4
7 Clarinet 8
Great Key action EP  Stop action   Compass-low C  Compass-high a3  Keys 58
8 Double Geigen 16
9 Large Open Diapason 8
10 Small Open Diapason 8
11 Claribel Flute 8
12 Dulciana 8
13 Octave 4
14 Harmonic Flute 4
15 Octave Quint 2 2/3
16 Super Octave 2
Swell Key action EP  Stop action   Compass-low C  Compass-high a3  Keys 58 Enclosed
17 Violin Diapason 8
18 Lieblich Gedact 8
19 Echo Salicional 8
20 Vox Angelica 8 TC
21 Gemshorn 4
22 Dulciana Mixture III
23 Trumpet 8
24 Oboe 8
25 Tremulant



Stop type  drawstop   Label type  ivory   Label font  Couplers in red

Black, splayed jambs; Console on North side


Swell to Pedal

Swell to Great

Swell to Choir

Swell octave

Swell suboctave

Swell unison off

Choir to Great

Choir to Pedal

Great to Pedal


balanced pedals to Choir and Swell;
4 thumb pistons each to Great and Swell
3 thumb pistons to Choir
Thumb pistons for Sw-Gt, Gt-Pd
4, 1 toe pistons
Great and Pedal combinations coupled

While it is possible for us to see the organ in Balliol Dining Hall, the organ has been unplayable for four years..