On Saturday 15th July, the GOA visited the organ at St David’s Hall  and Tabernacl on the Hayes. We all traveled by train.

1982           P.D. Collins

1991           J. W. Walker & Sons

Soundboards rebuilt; new mechanical action (designed by Andrew Pennells); new console; new piston action; reeds revoiced.

Department and Stop list

Pedal Key action   Stop action El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys
1 Principal 16
2 Major Bass 16
3 Subbass 16
4 Quint 10 2/3
5 Octave 8
6 Gedact 8 *
7 Choral Bass 4 *
8 Open Flute 2 *
9 Mixture IV *
10 Fagott 32
11 Bombarde 16
12 Trumpet 8 *
13 Schalmey 4 *, JML Shawm
14 Cornett 2 *
15 Tremulant Affecting those marked *
Positive Key action   Stop action El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys
16 Gedact 8
17 Quintadena 8
18 Traverse Flute 8 EIJ Flauto
19 Principal 4
20 Chimney Flute 4
21 Octave 2
22 Wald Flute 2
23 Nazard 1 1/3
24 Sesquialtera II
25 Scharf IV-V
26 Dulzian 16
27 Cremona 8
28 Tremulant
Great Key action   Stop action El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys
29 Bourdon 16
30 Principal 8
31 Spitz Flute 8
32 Bourdon 8
33 Octave 4
34 Stopped Flute 4
35 Rauschquint 2 2/3+2
36 Blockflute 2
37 Mixture IV-VI
38 Tertian II
39 Cornett V From g
40 Fagott 16
41 Trumpet 8
42 Tremulant
Swell Key action   Stop action El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys  Enclosed
43 Quintadena 16
44 Principal 8 JML Diapason
45 Chimney Flute 8
46 Viola 8
47 Celeste 8 From F#
48 Octave 4
49 Open Flute 4
50 Nazard 2 2/3
51 Gemshorn 2
52 Tierce 1 3/5
53 Mixture V-VI
54 Cimbel III
55 Harmonic Trumpet 8
56 Hautboy 8
57 Vox Humana 8
58 Harmonic Clarion 4
59 Tremulant


Console type  Attached


Swell to Pedal

Swell to Great

Great to Pedal

Positive to Pedal

Positive Octave to Pedal

Positive to Great

Swell to Positive

Swell Octaves Graves

Swell Octaves Graves to Great



Swell Octaves Graves, and Swell Octaves Graves to Great, added 1991

Tabernacl on the Hayes


1907           Griffen & Stroud  Bath

Built with Tracker Action; A substantial contribution toward the building
of the organ was donated by Sir Alfred Thomas MP (later Lord Pontypridd),
who was a faithful deacon at Tabernacl from 1883 until his death in 1927;


1972           J.W. Walker & Son  London

Replaced the original tracker action with electro-pneumatic along with
other essential repair work;


2010           Henry Willis  Liverpool

Following the centenary of the organ in 2007 when certain parts of the
instrument were showing their age, Willis were chosen to renovate the
organ, including extensive releathering of the bellows and action with
Solid State transmission, and re-making the Console; Rededication
recital 3rd October 2010 with Huw Tregelles Williams FRCO and the Côr
Meibion Taf; This survey is taken from the Programme of that recital;



Position  East end behind pulpit  Type  Pipe Rack

6F + 5T + 13F + 5T + 6F grey Diapasons facing West above and around Console;

Department and Stop list

Pedal Key action EP  Stop action EP  Compass-low C  Compass-high f1  Keys 30
1 Acoustic Bass 32
2 Open Diapason 16
3 Bourdon 16
4 Echo Bourdon 16
5 Violoncello 8 (HWi 16)
6 Flute 8
7 Contre Bombarde Ac. 32
8 Ophicleide 16
Choir Key action EP  Stop action EP  Compass-low C  Compass-high a3  Keys 58 Enclosed
9 Stopped Diapason 8
10 Gamba 8
11 Dulciana 8
12 Wald Flute 4
13 Harmonic Piccolo 2
14 Clarionet 8
15 Trumpet 8 (Gt.)
Great Key action EP  Stop action EP  Compass-low C  Compass-high a3  Keys 58
16 Double Open Diapason 16
17 Open Diapason No. 1 8
18 Open Diapason No. 2 8
19 Clarabella 8
20 Principal 4
21 Harmonic Flute 4
22 Fifteenth 2
23 Mixture III
24 Trumpet 8
Swell Key action EP  Stop action EP  Compass-low C  Compass-high a3  Keys 58 Enclosed
25 Lieblich Bourdon 16
26 Euphonium 8
27 Lieblich Gedeckt 8
28 Salicional 8 (TC)
29 Voix Céleste 8 (TC)
30 Geigen Principal 4
31 Lieblich Flute 8
32 Fifteenth 2
33 Mixture III
34 Oboe 8
35 Horn 8
36 Clarion 4
37 Tremulant


Console type  Attached   Stop type  Drawstop   Pedalboard  Radiating concave

Angled Jambs;


Swell to Pedal

Swell to Great

Swell to Choir

Swell octave

Swell suboctave

Choir to Pedal

Choir octave

Great to Pedal


Blowing Electric – Discus


Six Divisional Thumb Pistons to Swell & Great and Four to Choir;
Six Divisional Toe Pistons to Swell & Pedal;
Six Gerneral Thumb Pistons;
Reversable pistons for couplers;
Stepper & Sequencer with Advance & Retard Thumb Pistons;
250 levels of memory;
Gt. & Ped. Combs Coupled;
Bass Toe Pistons Exch;