Visit to Cardiff- July 15th. St David’s Hall and The Hayes Tabernacle.

On Saturday 15th July, the GOA is to visit the organ at St David’s Hall from 10 a.m. – Noon and the Hayes Tabernacle at 2.30. Taking into account that both organs are in the centre of Cardiff not far from each other and close to the station, it is suggested that we all travel by train.

1982           P.D. Collins

1991           J. W. Walker & Sons

Soundboards rebuilt; new mechanical action (designed by Andrew Pennells); new console; new piston action; reeds revoiced.

Department and Stop list

Pedal Key action   Stop action El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys 
1 Principal 16
2 Major Bass 16
3 Subbass 16
4 Quint 10 2/3
5 Octave 8
6 Gedact 8 *
7 Choral Bass 4 *
8 Open Flute 2 *
9 Mixture IV *
10 Fagott 32
11 Bombarde 16
12 Trumpet 8 *
13 Schalmey 4 *, JML Shawm
14 Cornett 2 *
15 Tremulant Affecting those marked *
Positive Key action   Stop action El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys 
16 Gedact 8
17 Quintadena 8
18 Traverse Flute 8 EIJ Flauto
19 Principal 4
20 Chimney Flute 4
21 Octave 2
22 Wald Flute 2
23 Nazard 1 1/3
24 Sesquialtera II
25 Scharf IV-V
26 Dulzian 16
27 Cremona 8
28 Tremulant
Great Key action   Stop action El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys 
29 Bourdon 16
30 Principal 8
31 Spitz Flute 8
32 Bourdon 8
33 Octave 4
34 Stopped Flute 4
35 Rauschquint 2 2/3+2
36 Blockflute 2
37 Mixture IV-VI
38 Tertian II
39 Cornett V From g
40 Fagott 16
41 Trumpet 8
42 Tremulant
Swell Key action   Stop action El  Compass-low   Compass-high   Keys  Enclosed
43 Quintadena 16
44 Principal 8 JML Diapason
45 Chimney Flute 8
46 Viola 8
47 Celeste 8 From F#
48 Octave 4
49 Open Flute 4
50 Nazard 2 2/3
51 Gemshorn 2
52 Tierce 1 3/5
53 Mixture V-VI
54 Cimbel III
55 Harmonic Trumpet 8
56 Hautboy 8
57 Vox Humana 8
58 Harmonic Clarion 4
59 Tremulant


Console type  Attached


Swell to Pedal

Swell to Great

Great to Pedal

Positive to Pedal

Positive Octave to Pedal

Positive to Great

Swell to Positive

Swell Octaves Graves

Swell Octaves Graves to Great



Swell Octaves Graves, and Swell Octaves Graves to Great, added 1991;