11 a.m. Organ of St Stephen’s Church, Tivoli.


1912           Norman & Beard

see N07465


1965           Nicholson



1912(post) Type  North Choir – occupies 2 arches

Two oak cases, each 6-5T-6 bracketed out in front of North Choir arches from the lower casework. Zinc front pipes with bay-leaf lips and tops exposed above carved casework (rails and pipeshades). The two end posts of each case have crocketed finials; the two tower posts in each case are surmounted by wooden angels with uplifted trumpets;


Department and Stop list

Pedal Key action TP  Stop action TP  Compass-low C  Compass-high f1  Keys 30
1 Open Diapason 16 A
2 Violone 16
3 Bordun 16 B
4 Octave 8 A
5 Bass Flute 8 B
6 Trombone 16
Great Key action TP  Stop action TP  Compass-low C  Compass-high g3  Keys 56
7 Double Diapason 16
8 Open Diapason Large 8
9 Open Diapason Small 8
10 Hohl Flöte 8
11 Principal 4
12 Harmonic Flute 4
13 Twelfth 2 2/3
14 Fifteenth 2
15 Tromba 8
Swell Key action TP  Stop action TP  Compass-low C  Compass-high g3  Keys 56 Enclosed
16 Bordun 16
17 Open Diapason 8
18 Lieblich Gedakt 8
19 Viola da Gamba 8
20 Voix Celeste 8 TC
21 Principal 4
22 Flute 4
23 Fifteenth 2
24 Mixture III 19.22.26
25 Contra Fagotto 16
26 Cornopean 8
27 Oboe 8
28 Tremulant
Choir Key action TP  Stop action TP  Compass-low C  Compass-high g3  Keys 56
29 Claribel Flute 8
30 Dulciana 8
31 Gamba 8
32 Wald Flöte 4
33 Clarinet 8



Console type  En fenêtre   Stop type  drawstop   Label type  Ivory   Label font  Sans Serif Capitals   Pedalboard  radiating concave

angled jambs;



Swell to Pedal

Swell to Great

Swell octave

Swell suboctave

Choir to Great

Choir to Pedal

Great to Pedal

Swell to Choir



Blowing Electric



4 thumb pistons each to Gt.and Sw. 3 thumb pistons to Ch 4 composition pedals each to Sw.and Ped. rev. pedal for Gt/Ped Gt/Ped pistons drawstop balanced swell pedal (central)

After lunch

St Gregory’s Catholic Church


1986           S.F. Blank

new organ; see N12807 for earlier organ;


2008           Trevor Tipple & Co  Worcester

general clean and overhaul



Type  Architectural

oak with tin front pipes


Department and Stop list

Pedal Key action Suspended Tr  Stop action Me  Compass-low C  Compass-high f1  Keys 30
1 Bourdon 16
2 Fagot 16
3 Trumpet 8 Hoofdwerk
Hoofdwerk Key action Suspended Tr  Stop action Me  Compass-low C  Compass-high f3  Keys 54
4 Open Diapason 8
5 St’d Diapason 8
6 Salicional 8
7 Principal 4
8 Flute 4
9 Twelfth 2 2/3
10 Fifteenth 2
11 Sesquialtera II c1
12 Mixtur IV
13 Cornet V c1
14 Trumpet 8
Brustwerk Key action Suspended Tr  Stop action Me  Compass-low C  Compass-high f3  Keys 54
15 St’d Diapason 8
16 Flute 4
17 Nazard 3 2 2/3
18 Gemshorn 2
19 Tierce 1 3/5
20 Dulcian 8
21 Tremulant to whole organ



Console type  Attached   Stop type  drawstop   Label font  Copperplate   Pedalboard  Straight Concave

natural oak



Manual I to Manual II

Manual I to Pedal

Manual II to Pedal



Blowing Electric  Tuning Werckmeister III  Bellows Wedge

St Matthew’s Church


1879           Henry Willis


1974           Nicholson



Type  Pipe Rack


Department and Stop list

Pedal Key action EP  Stop action EP  Compass-low C  Compass-high f1  Keys
1 Open Diapason 16
2 Bourdon 16
3 Principal 8
4 Bass Flute 8 Ext
5 Flute 4 Ext
6 Fifteenth 4 Ext
7 Twentysecond 2 Ext
8 Ophicleide 16
Great Key action Tr  Stop action Me  Compass-low C  Compass-high g3  Keys 56
9 Double Open Diapason 16
10 Large Open Diapason 8
11 Small Open Diapason 8
12 Stopped Diapason 8
13 Claribel Fl 8
14 Principal 4
15 Fl Harmonique 4
16 Twelfth 2 2/3
17 Fifteenth 2
18 Sesquialtera III
19 Posaune 8
20 Clarion 4
Swell Key action Tr  Stop action Me  Compass-low C  Compass-high g3  Keys 56 Enclosed
21 Open Diapason 8
22 Lieb Gedact 8
23 Salicional 8
24 Vox Angelica 8 TC
25 Gemshorn 4
26 Flageolet 2
27 Mixture III
28 Con Fagotto 16
29 Trumpet 8
30 Oboe 8
31 Vox Humana 8
32 Clarion 4
Choir Key action Tr  Stop action Me  Compass-low C  Compass-high g3  Keys 56 Enclosed
33 Gamba 8
34 Dulciana 8
35 Claribel Fl 8
36 Lieb Gedact 8
37 Concert Fl 4
38 Piccolo 2
39 Corno di Bassetto 8





Swell to Pedal

Swell to Great

Swell suboctave to Great

Choir to Great

Choir to Pedal

Great to Pedal

Swell Super Octave to Great



Blowing Electric



Tremulant to Swell 4 Composition pedals to Gt. 3 Composition pedals to Sw. Thumb piston for Sw.to Gt. Foot piston for Gt.to Ped. Drawstop console – en fenetre