On Saturday 12th August, we have been invited to Toddington Church in the morning and to tea and a visit to two organs in Malcolm Foster’s Music Room.

Toddington Church has a fine acoustic which greatly enhances the sound of the John Nicholson  instrument.


1890           Nicholson & Co  Palace Yard, Worcester

Organ, 1870, by Nicholson & Co from Toddington Manor (K00923) installed here; front case reduced in size to fit current position in South tower arch; Swell Bourdon 16ft transferred to Pedal on pneumatic action replaced by a Bell Diapason 8ft; there was a Pedal octave coupler which worked only on the bottom 18 notes of the Open Diapason 16; see K00526 for earlier organ;


1987           Nicholson & Co  Palace Yard, Worcester

Restored with tonal alterations; Mixture re-composed to 19.22.26 (was 17.19.22); Gt. Piccolo 2′ transferred to Swell and Sw. Fifteenth 2ft transferred to Great; Pedal octave coupler suppressed;



Position  South Transept under tower;  Type  Pipe Rack

Poat and rail piperack; gilt pipes filling arch; 2-13-2


Department and Stop list

Pedal Key action TP  Stop action   Compass-low C  Compass-high f1  Keys 30
1 Open Diapason 16
2 Bourdon 16
Great Key action Tr  Stop action Me  Compass-low C  Compass-high g3  Keys 56
3 Open Diapason 8
4 Stop Diapason Bass 8
5 Clarabella 8 TC
6 Dulciana 8 TC
7 Viol di Gamba 8 TC
8 Gemshorn 4
9 Wald Flute 4
10 Fifteenth 2 1987, ex Swell
Swell Key action Tr  Stop action Me  Compass-low C  Compass-high g3  Keys 56 Enclosed
11 Open Diapason 8
12 Stop Diapason 8
13 Bell Diapason 8 TC
14 Principal 4
15 Harmonic Flute 4
16 Piccolo 2 1987, ex Great
17 Mixture III 1987, 19.22.26 17-19-22
18 Cornopean 8
19 Oboe 8 TC
20 Tremulant



Console type  en fenetre   Stop type  drawstop   Pedalboard  radiating concave

stops and keyboards enclosed by two wooden doors;



Swell to Pedal

Swell to Great

Great to Pedal


3, 3 composition pedals; trigger Swell pedal;